Coat Color

Solid Color

Alternative Names: Banded hairs, Ticked hairs

Solid Color Photo

The Solid Color variant results in solid coloring of the hair shaft and is also known as Non-agouti.

More Info

Did you know?

The Solid Color variant is found in the Agouti Signaling Protein (ASIP) gene, which defines whether hairs are banded or solid colored. A different gene controls the swirled and striped patterns of tabby cats.

How it works

Two copies of the Solid Color variant are needed for a cat to have solid colored hair. However, orange coloration overrides this effect, meaning that cats with partial or full orange coats can show tabby patterning in orange areas. Cats with zero or one copy of this variant are likely to have a tabby pattern due to color banding of the hairs.


6 in 10 cats

have one or more copy of this genetic variant in our testing.

Technical Details

Variant Deletion
Chromosome A3
Coordinate Start 25,086,566
Coordinate End 25,086,567

All coordinates reference FelCat9.0

References & Credit

Credit to our scientific colleagues:

Gershony, L. C., Penedo, M. C. T., Davis, B. W., Murphy, W. J., Helps, C. R., & Lyons, L. A. (2014). Who’s behind that mask and cape? the Asian leopard cat’s Agouti (ASIP) allele likely affects coat colour phenotype in the Bengal cat breed. Animal Genetics, 45(6), 893–897. View the article