Coat Color
Alternative Names: Light Brown

The Cinnamon variant results in light brown or cinnamon colored hair instead of black or brown hair.
More Info
Did you know?
A cinnamon coat color is the result of lower amounts of dark pigment in the hair. Fawn, the dilute version of the cinnamon coat color, is considered one of the rarer coat colors as it requires two copies of the recessive Cinnamon variant as well as two copies of the recessive Dilution variant.
How it works
Two copies of the Cinnamon variant result in cinnamon coat color.
1 in 16 cats
has one or more copy of this genetic variant in our testing.
Technical Details
Gene | TYRP |
Variant | C>T |
Chromosome | D4 |
Coordinate | 40,069,161 |
All coordinates reference FelCat9.0
References & Credit
Credit to our scientific colleagues:
Lyons, L. A., Foe, I. T., Rah, H. C., & Grahn, R. A. (2005). Chocolate coated cats: TYRP1 mutations for brown color in domestic cats. Mammalian Genome, 16(5), 356–366. View the article
Schmidt-Küntzel, A., Eizirik, E., O’Brien, S. J., & Menotti-Raymond, M. (2005). Tyrosinase and tyrosinase related protein I alleles specify domestic cat coat color phenotypes of the albino and brown loci. Journal of Heredity, 96(4), 289–301. View the article