Coat Length and Curl

Curly Coat

Curly Coat Photo

The Curly Coat variant causes a curly coat type and is located in the KRT71 gene.

More Info

Did you know?

Curl is 'linked' with the Furnishings variant, so they are often inherited together. Many breeds with the Curly variant also have Furnishings, but the Furnishings may not be obvious because of the curl. For this reason, Poodle crosses are often mistaken as terrier mixes, due to their soft wire coat and "beard."

How it works

One copy of this variant is likely to give a soft curl or wave whereas two copies are likely to give a tighter curl. A curly coat is less apparent in dogs with short hair than those with long. There is one other known Curl variant, and likely other unknown variants that exist.


2 in 10 dogs

have one or more copy of this genetic variant in our testing.

Technical Details

Gene KRT71
Variant C>T
Chromosome 27
Coordinate 2,539,211

All coordinates reference CanFam3.1

References & Credit

Credit to our scientific colleagues:

Cadieu, E., Neff, M. W., Quignon, P., Walsh, K., Chase, K., Parker, H. G., … Ostrander, E. A. (2009). Coat variation in the domestic dog is governed by variants in three genes. Science, 326(5949), 150–153. View the article