
The Furnishings variant causes a fuzzy beard, moustache and eyebrows, and is located in the RSPO2 gene.
More Info
Did you know?
The furnishings trait was first discovered in Portuguese Water Dogs and a lack of furnishings in this breed is called “Improper Coat”. The furnishings trait is often associated with terriers. However, there are many breeds throughout the dog family tree that show the Furnishings trait, and many terrier breeds that do not!
How it works
Dogs with one or two copies of the Furnishing variant are likely to display a fuzzy beard, moustache and eyebrows, but a long or curly coat will make this variant less apparent.
2 in 10 dogs
have one or more copy of this genetic variant in our testing.
Technical Details
Gene | RSPO2 |
Variant | Insertion |
Chromosome | 13 |
Coordinate Start | 8,610,419 |
Coordinate End | 8,610,420 |
All coordinates reference CanFam3.1
References & Credit
Credit to our scientific colleagues:
Cadieu, E., Neff, M. W., Quignon, P., Walsh, K., Chase, K., Parker, H. G., … Ostrander, E. A. (2009). Coat variation in the domestic dog is governed by variants in three genes. Science, 326(5949), 150–153. View the article