Coat Type
Lykoi Coat (Variant 1)
Alternative Names: Werewolf cat, Lykoi, Hypotrichia

Lykoi Coat (Variant 1) is one of the variants known to result in the sparse coat of the Lykoi cat.
More Info
Did you know?
“Lykoi” means ‘wolves’ in Greek, which is easy to understand if you’ve ever seen a Lykoi cat, as the missing facial fur gives the breed a werewolf-like appearance. Dermatologists at the University of Tennessee examined the Lykoi and, through a skin biopsy, determined that some hair follicles lack all necessary components required to create hair while others are able to produce hair but lack the proper balance of components to maintain the hair. This improper balance within the hair follicle is why the Lykoi can periodically molt and become nearly hairless.
How it works
Two copies of any Lykoi variant must be inherited for a cat to show the Lykoi Coat. Lykoi fur is sparse and individual hairs can be pigmented or white. Resulting coats can range from near black to almost white in a unique pattern of blended hair colors called roaning.
Health implications
Lykoi cats have a significant reduction in the average numbers of follicles per hair follicle group as compared to domestic shorthair cats, manifesting as a mild to severe lymphocytic mural folliculitis. Due to their unique coat, Lykoi cats have a higher propensity for sun damage to their skin and are more susceptible to the cold. Care should be taken when allowing these cats outdoors. Additionally, debris and body oils tend to build up on the skin and within the ears. As a result, these cats need routine grooming and occasional bathing.
1 in 100 cats
has one or more copy of this genetic variant in our testing.
Technical Details
Gene | HR |
Variant | Insertion |
Chromosome | B1 |
Coordinate Start | 36,051,553 |
Coordinate End | 36,051,556 |
All coordinates reference FelCat9.0
References & Credit
Credit to our scientific colleagues:
Buckley, R. M., Gandolfi, B., Creighton, E. K., Pyne, C. A., Bouhan, D. M., Leroy, M. L., Senter, D. A., Gobble, J. R., Abitbol, M., & Lyons, L. A. (2020). Werewolf, there wolf: Variants in hairless associated with hypotrichia and roaning in the lykoi cat breed. Genes, 11(6), 1–15. View the article