Coat Color


Alternative Names: Melanistic mask

Mask Photo

The Mask variant causes dark facial hair, mainly over the dog's muzzle, which looks a bit like a mask. The Mask variant is also known as Em and is found in the MC1R gene (known as the E locus).

More Info

Did you know?

Some dogs with mask will display premature greying of their muzzle, but the cause of this is unknown.

How it works

One or two copies of the Mask mutation will result in the presence of a dark facial mask covering the muzzle. This mask can cover only the very front of the muzzle, or can extend down to the chest and front legs. Mask can be hidden by other trait variants.


5 in 10 dogs

have one or more copy of this genetic variant in our testing.

Technical Details

Gene MC1R
Also Called Extension (E) Locus
Variant A>G
Chromosome 5
Coordinate 63,694,460

All coordinates reference CanFam3.1

References & Credit

Credit to our scientific colleagues:

Schmutz, S. M., & Berryere, T. G. (2007). Genes affecting coat colour and pattern in domestic dogs: A review. Animal Genetics, 38(6), 539–549. View the article

Schmutz, S. M., Berryere, T. G., & Goldfinch, A. D. (2002). TYRP1 and MC1R genotypes and their effects on coat color in dogs. Mammalian Genome, 13(7), 380–387. View the article