Coat Color
Mocha (Discovered in the Burmese)

The Mocha variant reduces dark pigment levels resulting in a lighter colored coat, aqua eyes, and a pink nose and paw pads.
More Info
Did you know?
Genetics is an ever-evolving field, and the expression of a cat’s coat color is just one great example of how changes are continually occurring. The Mocha variant is considered a “new flavor of cat coat coloration” in both the cat fancy world and with geneticists alike, being first recorded in a Burmese cat in 2015 and then the main feature of peer-reviewed science articles as recent as 2019!
How it works
Two copies of the Mocha variant are needed to produce Mocha coloration. When one copy of the Mocha variant is inherited with one Colorpoint variant, a pattern in between mocha and colorpoint is seen.
1 in 910 cats
has one or more copy of this genetic variant in our testing.
Technical Details
Gene | TYR |
Variant | Deletion |
Chromosome | D1 |
Coordinate Start | 45,898,609 |
Coordinate End | 45,898,771 |
All coordinates reference FelCat9.0
References & Credit
Credit to our scientific colleagues:
Yu, Y., Grahn, R. A., & Lyons, L. A. (2019). Mocha tyrosinase variant: a new flavour of cat coat coloration. Animal Genetics, 50(2), 182–186. View the article