Tail Length

Short Tail

Alternative Names:  Bobtail

Short Tail Photo

The Short Tail variant is associated with a naturally short "bobbed" tail. The variant is located in the T-box gene.

More Info

Did you know?

Dogs with a surgically docked tail and those born with a genetically bobbed tail can only be told apart by genetic testing, not visual inspection.

How it works

Dogs with one copy of the Short Tail variant usually have a very short or "bobbed" tail. Rottweilers, Boston terriers, French Bulldogs, and English Bulldogs can have shortened or corkscrew tails due to other variants.

Health implications

If two copies of the Short Tail variant are inherited, it will cause early fetal death and resorption, so all dogs with this variant carry only one copy of it. Two Short Tail variant dogs mated together will have smaller litter sizes and some normal tail length dogs may be produced.


1 in 71 dogs

has one or more copy of this genetic variant in our testing.

Technical Details

Gene T-box
Variant G>C
Chromosome 1
Coordinate 54,192,143

All coordinates reference CanFam3.1

References & Credit

Credit to our scientific colleagues:

Haworth, K., Putt, W., Cattanach, B., Breen, M., Binns, M., Lingaas, F., & Edwards, Y. H. (2001). Canine homolog of the T-box transcription factor T; failure of the protein to bind to its DNA target leads to a short-tail phenotype. Mammalian Genome. 12(3):212-218. View the article