We performed 28 genetic trait tests on Arya Forest Vips*PL/FI’s DNA.

First, we learned she’s a very good cat. But here’s what else we found.
Coat Color & Type
Coat Color
12 Traits
We found 1 special coat color variant in Arya Forest Vips*PL/FI’s DNA.
Albinism (Discovered in Oriental breeds)
0 copies
No effect
Amber (Discovered in the Norwegian Forest Cat)
0 copies
No effect
Charcoal (Discovered in the Bengal)
0 copies
No effect
0 copies
No effect
0 copies
No effect
Colorpoint (Discovered in the Burmese)
0 copies
No effect
Colorpoint (Discovered in the Siamese)
0 copies
No effect
Mocha (Discovered in the Burmese)
0 copies
No effect
Partial and Full White
0 copies
No effect
Russet (Discovered in the Burmese)
0 copies
No effect
Solid Color
0 copies
Banded hairs, tabby patterns likely
Coat Type
10 Traits
We found 2 special coat type variants in Arya Forest Vips*PL/FI’s DNA.
Long Hair (Discovered in many breeds)
1 copy
Long coat possible, short coat likely
Long Hair (Discovered in the Norwegian Forest Cat)
1 copy
Long coat possible, short coat likely
0 copies
No effect
Hairlessness (Discovered in the Sphynx)
0 copies
No effect
Long Hair (Discovered in the Ragdoll and Maine Coon)
0 copies
No effect
Long Hair (Discovered in the Ragdoll)
0 copies
No effect
Lykoi Coat (Variant 1)
0 copies
No effect
Lykoi Coat (Variant 2)
0 copies
No effect
Rexing (Discovered in the Cornish Rex and German Rex)
0 copies
No effect
Rexing (Discovered in the Devon Rex)
0 copies
No effect
Body Features
Tail Length
3 Traits

Arya Forest Vips*PL/FI’s genes say she probably has a long tail.
Extra Toes
3 Traits

Arya Forest Vips*PL/FI appears to have the most common number of toes for a cat: 5 on each front paw, 4 on each back paw.
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