For more than two decades, we’ve worked to advance the field of pet genetics so pet parents, breeders, and veterinarians have the knowledge they need to ensure pets are as happy and healthy as possible. And while we love delivering individual test results, we also enjoy seeing how many dogs and cats in the Wisdom Panel pack share breeds, traits, behaviors, and more.
In honour of testing 5 million pets, we took a spin through our extensive database in search of common ground. Following are some of our favorite insights.

Breeds that have made their mark on mixes.
We’ve tested a lot of mixed-breed dogs and cats, and certain breeds turn up in DNA reports more than others. Here are the ones that top the list.
Top breeds in mixed-breed dogs
Top breeds in mixed-breed cats

Some pups just know how to relax.
Dogs rest in different ways, from curled up in a ball to lounging on their side. But did you know their DNA plays a role in their sleeping preferences? Our Behaviours feature identified genetic links to some of the most relaxed napping styles. Of the dogs in our database:
- 939,905 are predisposed to splooting
- 749,126 are predisposed to sleeping on their back
Big appetite? It’s in their genes.
A lot of dogs try to convince their pet parents that they’re starving. But some dogs actually have a mutation in the POMC gene that causes them to feel hungry (which can lead to over-eating and obesity). Labrador Retrievers, in particular, are at risk.
Of the dogs we have DNA tested, 93,671 have one or two copies of the POMC mutation.

Bring on the glitter.
Many cats have sparkling personalities. But sparkling coats? That’s reserved for cats that carry the glitter gene. The coat of cats with this gene takes on an iridescent sheen when the light hits it just right. It’s a recessive trait most commonly found in Bengals, and it’s a sight to behold.
Of the cats in the Wisdom Panel database, 5,513 carry the glitter gene.
Dry land only, please.
Does your dog side-step puddles, protest going out in the rain, and despise bath time? That little quirk may be due to their genetics. In fact, of the dogs we’ve tested, 766,184 are predisposed to avoid getting wet.
Family matters.
Wisdom Panel has the largest relative database, which means there’s a good chance your pup has a genetic relative that we’ve tested. How good? We’ve found 278,987,069 distinct relationships between different pets. And with our relative finder, you can discover your dog’s close, distant, or extended family members. Can a family reunion be far behind?