Know the most about your pup with Wisdom Panel Premium for just £NaN more.
Screen for 365+ breeds
260+ health tests
New! 15 behaviour tests
50+ traits tests
Vet consultation for 'at risk' health findings
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Screen for 365+ breeds
25+ health tests
New! 2 behaviour tests
Find your dog's relatives
50+ trait tests
Screen for 365+ breeds
Test for MDR1 (drug medication sensitivities)
Find your dog's relatives
New! 2 behaviour tests
Screen for 365+ breeds
260+ health tests
New! 15 behaviour tests
50+ traits tests
Vet consultation for 'at risk' health findings
Find your dog's relatives
Screen for 365+ breeds
25+ health tests
New! 2 behaviour tests
Find your dog's relatives
50+ trait tests
Screen for 365+ breeds
Test for MDR1 (drug medication sensitivities)
Find your dog's relatives
New! 2 behaviour tests
Chip H. and Jake
Soyoung K. & Paco
Elizabeth V. and Niko
Lauren G. & Lulu
Stacy and Kona
Intelligent, quiet and friendly, Whippets make great companions as long as they get plenty of exercise. They are fairly low-maintenance, but require attention around cats and wildlife, since they have a tendency to chase after them.
Have you caught your dog scooting their behind on the ground? Does the term "anal gland expression" sound familiar? Read on for everything you wanted to know (and some things you maybe didn’t) about anal glands in dogs.
Enjoy the warm weather and keep your pet out of harm’s way with these safety tips.
How the genetic sample you collect is translated into actionable insights about your pet.